In the Remote Sensing Division of the Centre of Space Technologies GIS server has been launched. It gives free access to results of carried experiments in HESOFF project. Using Quantum GIS software a user has access to mosaics of investigated forest areas (in the visible and near-infrared light spectrum) and to selected remote sensing analysis, e.g. NDVI values of test and under-treatment trees.

Our GIS server gives also access to Landsat-8 images taken by OLI instrument.:

Graphic layers (aerial images, mosaics, NDVI analysis of complex areas):


Raster layers (information of selected trees):


Port: 5432

Data base: postgis

User: ilot

Password: ilot

Data available at our GIS server are stored by employees of the Remote Sensing Division of the Centre of Space Technologies (satellite and aerial images) and by employees of the Department of Forest Protection of the Forest Research Institute.

Team members involved in GIS server design and responsible for data collection:

PhD, Eng. Paweł Czapski (ILOT)

M.Sc., Eng. Mariusz Kacprzak (ILOT)

Jan Kotlarz (ILOT)

PhD Katarzyna Kubiak (IBL)

Eng. Karol Mrowiec (ILOT)

M.Sc., Eng. Miłosz Tkaczyk (IBL)

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