23 April 2013 at Katowice International Airport will take place AIR CARGO WORKSHOP, which will be organized by consortia Baltic.AirCargo.Net and CargoMap.

The objective of the workshop is to preent discuss the outputs of Baltic.AirCargo.Net and CargoMap projects.

Baltic.AirCargo.Net project

The project aims at enhancing operating environment in air cargo sector by:

  • providing airport regions complex measures that accommodate the demand for air transport in an optimal way that attains more sustainable air cargo development, whilst maximizing economic benefits;
  • increasing capacity of regional airports by improving usability, functionality and accessibility of the ICT network in the air-cargo sector;
  • increasing interoperability of political and content transport related networks, through exploring and integrating of the air cargo issues in agenda of common transport strategy of the BSR; enhancing political collaboration among regional airports and airfreight players.

CargoMap project

The Air Cargo technology Roadmap project focuses on the future role of air freight and the definition of a technology roadmap for future cargo aircraft. In order to improve seamless flow of goods, Inter-and Co-modality approaches will be considered within the SESAR operational concept.

Main issues of the project are:

  • analysis of current situation versus the demand with the involvement of the stakeholders in Europe;
  • expected future bottlenecks/challenges in air freight transport and the identification of the corresponding requirements;
  • synopsis and evaluation of possible improvements related to future business models;
  • definition of a technology roadmap to fill the technology/regulatory/operative gaps.

Further information can be found on projects websites:

www.balticaircargo.net                    www.cargomap.eu

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