On 15th January 2014 at the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw took place a conference in the field of the Safety Management System (SMS). Organizers of the conference were: Flying Organization Fly-O, Institute of Aviation, Polish Aeroclub, Aeropartner, TUV Nord Poland and 440.miliardy.pl.

The conference gathered 110 attendees-representatives of the aviation industry from Poland, who are dealing, or will be in the nearest future, with the SMS issue in their daily work activity.

Safety Management System is a new issue of the aviation safety system implemented by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and European Union.
From April 2015, the Safety Management System will apply to all flight academies. Rules referring to the following groups of companies: airlines, maintenance organizations, flying organizations are already prepared and systematically implemented.

To increase the safety of operations, by 2018 the Safety Management System will have been implemented by all aviation industry. Despite the fact that the aviation remains the safest area of human activity, to a continuous dynamic development of the industry, the number of deaths, affected people and accidents is quite high.At the same time the analysis of accidents clearly indicates that the weakest element of the whole system is a human factor and functioning of the structures. During the conference, participants attended the lectures of Polish speakers and foreign visitors who are invited to share with their experience on the issue of SMS.

Among the discussed issues were:

• Legal basis for SMS,
• Just Culture – Polish aspects / lack of legal basis
• European actions in the implementation of SMS,
• Examples of aviation accidents,
• Hazards in the implementation of SMS,
• Implementation of SMS (Czech experiences)
• Experiences of Safety Manager (risks structures),
• Implementation of SMS – strength, resources, culture in the environment associated with the risk.

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